5 Travel Blogs That Inspire Me

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I'm always searching for new blogs to read, and I'm sure a lot of you guys are too. So I'm gonna share 5 travel blogs that inspire me to keep writing, reading, and dreaming of traveling the globe.

1. Girl vs Globe

Girl vs Globe is by far one of my favorite travel blogs. Wonderfully written posts with bright, colorful pictures make each post a very enjoyable read.

2. The Blonde Abroad

An award winning blog that shares the struggles and joys of solo travel around the world, The Blonde Abroad is one of those blogs where every time you finish reading one article, another one catches your eye and before you know it you've spent an hour on the website. 

3. Adventurous Kate

This blog may not have all the bells and whistles that the others do, but the content is of such high quality that I'm always drawn back to this website. I love reading about Kate and her amazing adventures all around the world. 

4. On the Luce

Lucy's detailed and entertaining posts will definitely spark your interest in packing up your bags and heading for Europe. Not to mention her posts always have the most gorgeous photos.

5. A Dangerous Business

A Dangerous Business is a high-quality travel blog that provides some of the most helpful tips for traveling. And I love the giant map that displays all the countries Amanda has been! 

What are some of your favorite travel blogs?


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Meet The Author

I'm Haley, a high school student from The United States who finally decided to put my love of writing towards something productive: writing a blog. I love to travel to new places, even though I don't get around to it as much as I'd like, and learn new languages, even though I don't practice as much as I should. Other than that I love good books, iced tea, and lying on the beach in June. You can usually find me in my bed watching The Office, track practice, or out eating good food with good friends. Hope you enjoy The Patient Passport!